Celebrating luxury builders and architects company 5th anniversary

We are celebrating our 5th Anniversary… ​​5 years, 5 companies

From Otero Marbella, part of the Otero Group, we want to send a very special THANK YOU…

To all the professionals and families that are part of the Otero Group for your commitment and loyalty.

To all the clients who have trusted us throughout these 5 years.

To all the suppliers and partners who have made our teams improve and grow by your side.

To all the stakeholders, media and companions of the sector.


Because without your unconditional support, your infinite commitment and your professionalism, the challenges achieved in our short history would have only been unattainable dreams. We are sure that ALL TOGETHER we will achieve new challenges in a more sustainable, passionate and exciting FUTURE. 5 years, 5 companies, 5 million… THANK YOU!

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